PACT Stories

Dow is championing PACT amongst its suppliers, setting a consistent standard for carbon transparency

PACT Member: DOW
April 12, 2024
Suzanne Greene
Global Procurement Environmental Sustainability Director, Dow

“By enabling consistent and reliable carbon emissions data sharing across global supply chains, the WBCSD PACT fosters credible climate action worldwide. 

Dow takes pride in contributing to this leading initiative, which is pivotal to increasing transparency and trust in our progress toward a net-zero future.”

Dow and PACT: Leading Through Collaboration for a Sustainable Future

Dow's commitment to delivering a sustainable future through innovative materials science finds a powerful ally in the Partnership for Carbon Transparency (PACT). This case study delves into Dow's strategic collaboration with PACT, showcasing their journey towards net-zero emissions and a vision for global climate transparency.

About Dow:

Mission and Vision: Dow's mission is to harness its materials science expertise to create a sustainable future for the world, aiming to be the most innovative, customer-centric, inclusive, and sustainable materials science company globally.
Expertise and Impact: Through collaboration and innovation, Dow endeavors to make a positive impact on society and the planet, addressing critical challenges through sustainable solutions.

Participation in many complex value chains globally puts Dow in a unique position to advance climate transparency.

Why DOW joined PACT?

Commitment to Sustainability: Dow has committed to achieving net-zero emissions across scopes 1, 2, and 3 by 2050, understanding the importance of climate action in their industry and beyond.
Strategic Importance: Joining PACT aligns with Dow's strategy to advance climate transparency. Their unique position in complex global value chains enables them to lead and collaborate on achieving shared climate objectives efficiently.

Progress and Achievements with PACT:

Key Milestones: Since joining PACT, Dow has championed the PACT Methodology, significantly enhancing product carbon footprint (PCF) accounting. This leadership has encouraged widespread adoption among suppliers.
Impact of Collaboration: The adoption of the PACT Methodology by Dow's suppliers has led to increased transparency in carbon emissions, marking a milestone in integrating supplier PCF data into Dow's scope 3 accounting for the first time in 2022.

Future for Collaboration with PACT:

Long-term Goals: Dow's vision involves empowering both small and large companies within the PACT Network to mature in their PCF reporting, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability in climate progress.
Empowering Others: By sharing their journey and the tools they've helped develop, Dow aims to inspire and enable other companies to confidently track and disclose their carbon emissions, contributing to a collective effort towards sustainability.

Dow 2025 sustainability goals

Witnessed a noticeable increase in supplier transparency regarding carbon emissions by leveraging PACT

Guiding Insights for Sustainability?

Lessons Learned: Establishing precise data expectations and providing adequate time and technical assistance for compliance are crucial for advancing carbon transparency.
Strategic Advice: Dow emphasizes the importance of collaboration beyond competition. Sharing efforts and resources on topics like PCF accounting can greatly benefit all PACT members and the broader community.missions, contributing to a collective effort towards sustainability.


Dow's proactive approach and collaboration with PACT underscore a commitment not just to their own sustainability goals but to fostering a transparent, accountable, and sustainable global industry. This case study not only highlights Dow's achievements and vision but also serves as an inspiration and blueprint for other organizations committed to making a positive impact on our planet.