
PACT Network Services

The PACT community is developing open-source services to lower barriers and accelerate the adoption of digital technologies for standardized PCF data exchange


PACT Identity Management

The PACT Identity Management is a service designed to help organizations securely connect and identify each other on the PACT Network, facilitating the efficient exchange of Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) data. It offers easy registration, discovery of partners, and secure authentication to ensure trust and efficiency.
To learn more, read the Vision Paper or test the MVP (prototype) of this service by clicking the links below. Organizations globally are invited to participate in testing, particularly those with a PACT Conformant Solution, but anyone interested can engage.

"By establishing secure identity management services, PACT is building a foundation for transparent, trustworthy emissions data-sharing across global industries, supply chains, and geographies.

Nick Cain
Vice-President, Strategy and Innovation, Patrick J. McGovern Foundation

Design Principles

Data confidentiality

Each organizations is the sole owner of and exercises sovereignty over its data, with full data control over who has access to any data point. The granularity of

the data exchanged is chosen flexibly in line with the PACT Methodology. The technology is accompanied and supported by a governance framework that further strengthens the data sovereignty of each stakeholder.

Scalability & diversity

The Network scales globally to connect organizations of all sizes, supply chains and product categories across diverse technology solutions. Open-source technology is provided to connect the separate technology solutions,

significantly decreasing the transaction costs for new joiners.

Data quality & integrity

The data exchanged following PACT is consistent, validated, cannot be manipulated by third parties and protects organizations from any possible back-tracing of product-specific information. Agreed rules and fraud prevention measures, on a technical as well as on a governance level, are put in place to guide the operation of the Network. The overarching goal of exchanging high-quality, trustworthy, reliable data is ensured by the selection, definition and use of sound methodological foundations, technical standards and definitions.


The PACT Network is a network of, by, and for its users. All participating organizations have equal rights independent of size or type. Decision-making

processes and governance structures are in place to reflect this notion.


The PACT Network is open to every business wishing to exchange or facilitate the exchange of data and that adheres to its standards and rules.

Technological, financial, knowledge and other barriers are kept to a minimum. Relevant deliverables are made public. Open-source software is the go-to

where possible.