
Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI) methodology and project guidelines

This document provides practical guidance on generating or updating a Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI) dataset for feed ingredient or a group of feed ingredients. The guidance built on several international standards on product footprinting (FAO LEAP, EU PEF, ISO 14040) and follows the latest IPCC methodology for calculation of GHG emissions by countries in their National Inventory Reports.

Publication date and version
July 15, 2024, Version 2.1
Global Feed LCA Institute
ca. 40
Animal Feed
Animal feed products/ingredients
Alignment | last updated July 29, 2024
Compare the status of alignment with PACT Methodology. We’re constantly working with the initiative to reach further alignment.
Overall approach

Environmental dimension
The current version of the guidance covers GHG emissions as well as other environmental dimensions, such as water, that are not covered by PACT

Calculation guidance
partially aligned
partially aligned
partially aligned
partially aligned

Exemption rule
The current version of the guidance has an exemption rule of max. 1% cumulative on mass and energy and PCF
This is stricter than PACT and therefore, no other additional action is needed

Biogenic emissions and removals
The two guidance are not aligned but both will adapt with the upcoming GHG protocol Land Sectoral and removal Guidance
To align with PACT Methodology: Follow the requirements as indicated in Chapter of the PACT Methodology

Recycling and energy recovery
Waste is neglectable in this industry, but if it is considered, because it is above the cut-off criteria, then the PEF methodology is recommended
To align with PACT Methodology: Use the recycled content method as indicated in Chapter of the PACT Methodology

Data integrity
partially aligned
partially aligned
partially aligned
partially aligned

Activity data
The current version of the guidance does not specificy data source requirements for activity data
To align with PACT Methodology: Collect primary activity data as indicated in Chapters 4.1.2 Selecting primary data and Activity data of the PACT Methodology

Validity period

The current version of the guidance does not specify a PCF validity period
To align with PACT Methodology: Follow the 3-year cycle or earlier if > 10% variance criteria as indicated in Chapter of the PACT Methodology

Data quality metrics
The current version of the guidance mandates a DQR following a different matrix than PACT
To align with PACT Methodology: Use the data quality metrics as indicated in Chapter 4.2 of the PACT Methodology

Assurance and verification
The current version of the guidance does not include specific requirements about the level and basis for assurance and verification. However, another guidance provides direction on what 3rd party reviewers are expected to be reviewing
To align with PACT Methodology: Follow the requirements specified in Chapter 5 of the PACT Methodology

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