
Catena-X Product Carbon Footprint Rulebook

This document aims to reduce the room for interpretation, with a focus on the exchange of production carbon footprints from tier to tier with increased consistency for PCF accounting. This increased consistency will ensure comparability for the PCFs of parts and components and allow for part and supplier selection. Consequently, the Catena-X Rulebook focusses on the production stage of vehicles.

Publication date and version
August 2, 2024, Version 3
Catena X
ca. 185
Automotive industry products
Alignment | last updated August 16, 2024
Compare the status of alignment with PACT Methodology. We’re constantly working with the initiative to reach further alignment.
Overall approach
Calculation guidance
partially aligned
partially aligned
partially aligned
partially aligned

Declared unit
The current version of the guidance allows to use piece as declared unit for countable product, while PACT currently only allows for physical unit (e.g. kg, L, kWh)
Note that PACT revision will allow to use piece as a declared unit

Exemption rule
The current version of the guidance has an exemption rule of cumulative at max. 3% of emissions overall
To align with PACT Methodology: Ensure the max. 1% of emissions at individual attributable processes, and cumulative at max. 5% of emissions overall as indicated in Chapter of the PACT Methodology
Note that PACT revision will align with the exemption rule of cumulative at max. 3% of emissions overall

The current version of the guidance has an additional market price hierarchy for economical allocation

Biogenic emissions and removals
The two guidance are not fully aligned. PACT will adapt with the upcoming GHG protocol Land Sectoral and removal Guidance while Catena-X will evaluate its relevance before deciding on adapting the Catena-X guidance

Recycling and energy recovery
The current version of the guidance use the cut-off approach for waste treatment, however the "polluter pays principle" is applied for energy recovery/waste to energy
To align with PACT Methodology: Use the recycled content method as indicated in Chapter of the PACT Methodology

Data integrity
partially aligned
partially aligned
partially aligned
partially aligned

Validity period
The current version of the guidance mandates a yearly checks and if the reported emission increases > 5% based on the screening study compared to the previous reporting period an update of data is mandatory
To align with PACT Methodology: Follow the 3-year cycle or earlier if > 10% variance criteria as indicated in Chapter of the PACT Methodology

Data quality metrics
The current version of the guidance mandates a different DQR assessment - however in the current data exchange, it is aligned with PACT
Note that PACT revision will align with the new DQR assessment, which was jointly developed with Catena-X and other industry initiatives

Assurance and verification
The current version of the guidance does not include specific requirements about the level and basis for assurance and verification. However, a separate document has been developed.
To align with PACT Methodology: Follow the requirements specified in Chapter 5 of the PACT Methodology

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